In 2018 we began the long process of obtaining the ISSN number for the IX CONTACS reports. The first step was the application for registration using the full reports of IX CONTACS.
We are pleased to inform that we already have the ISSN number: 2992-6750 and the Reserve of Rights for Exclusive Use No. 04-2023-031712071000-102. Therefore, you can consult the articles of the latest events in our ACONTACS magazine.
As in previous congresses, we would like to ask the authors of the works to present and defend during the congress this year in the most attentive way, and that they are interested in having their works appear in the journal ACONTACS vol. 5, send us your work in full with the characteristics indicated in the Editorial Policy.
We would appreciate if you send us this information no later than the end of July 2023 to the email We will not be able to consider your work later. Any questions, we are at your service.
Editorial Committee XIII CONTACS - INAOE
Last Update: July 04, 2023