XV National Congress of Technology Applied to Health Sciences & V International Congress of Health Sciences

“Generation of new diagnostic and treatment techniques”

Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí

June 5, 6 and 7, 2025
Logo congreso 2025








Abstract Submission

The Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, the Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE), the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) through the Salud Digital and the ICAT, the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, the UPAEP, the Universidad Iberoamericana in Puebla and the CIO invite: researchers, professionals, and students involved and interested in Applied Technology in Health Areas, to PRESENT SCIENTIFIC POSTERS UNDER THE FOLLOWING RULES:

  1. The topics to be discussed will be new diagnostic and treatment techniques applied to health sciences.
  2. Only abstracts of papers submitted through the link at the bottom of this page will be accepted for review.
  3. The abstract will have up to 300 words, without graphs, photographs, charts, references or acknowledgments.
  4. The deadline for receipt of abstracts will be March 31th, 2025.
  5. The notification of acceptance will be sent from May 12th, 2025
  6. Once the acceptance letter is received, the author(s) must send a PDF and JPG copy of the poster, in addition to its video presentation in MP4 format, of a maximum of 5 minutes and a maximum weight of 300 MB. Candidates may use the material they consider necessary for their presentation in the video. It will be included together with the abstract, in the virtual presentation system and the reports of poster works found on the congress website. Deadline May 30th, 2025.
  7. The work must be presented and defended by one of the authors during the ON-SITE poster sessions.
  8. The papers presented during the congress may be included as an article in the congress magazine; consult the Proceedings Section.
  9. Papers will be evaluated based on the information recorded. Any changes to the title or authors made without prior notice to the conference will result in the paper being excluded.
Requirements for the preparation of the poster
    • The poster must include a TITLE that stands out, the complete NAME of the authors, and the institution to which they belong. The Body of the poster must contain an ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, OBJECTIVES, METHODOLOGY, RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS, AND REFERENCES.
    • It must have a vertical orientation, with a size of 90 cm wide x 120 cm high.
  1. The papers accepted, presented, and defended will receive a single participation diploma with the paper's name and authors. The diploma data is obtained from the work registration, so it is crucial to check that the information is correct before sending it.
  2. Research papers will be received in three General categories: Baccalaureate, Bachelor, and Postgraduate.
  3. Even though the poster sessions aim to disseminate the different research works, the best poster(s) in the three categories, which have been DEFENDED by students, will be selected for a special mention.
  4. The work will be classified according to the academic degree of the exhibitor.
  5. The jury will consist of prominent researchers from the convening institutions and the present speakers.
  6. The best poster(s) will be announced during the closing ceremony.
  7. The Organizing Committee will resolve cases not provided for in this call, and its ruling is final.

For any matter related to the posters, please contact tecnologia_salud@inaoep.mx.


Please note that our email system is not compatible with Hotmail.
Online registration will open soon.


Last Update: March 12, 2025

Convening Institutions

Salud Digital