Libros   Artículos    Memorias   Capítulos   Reportes    Tesis
 Libros Especializados
  1. Introduction to Lattice Algebra With Applications in
    AI, Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis,and Biomimetic Neural Networks

    GX.Ritter and G.Urcid  CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group   doi: 10.1201/9781003154242
    Mathematics-A Chapman & Hall Book, Boca Raton, Florida, August 2021

 Publicaciones en Revistas Periódicas
  1. Computational performance of hole filling morphological algorithms for binary images
    G.Urcid, J.A. Nieves-V., and R.Morales-S.  IJOEST   doi: 10.29121/IJOEST.v8.i1.2024.565
    International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies, 8(1), 1-21, January 2024
  2. Morfología matemática y procesamiento de imágenes
    G.Urcid-S. y M. Mares-J.  Memorias de la SMM (publicadas en línea en Abril 29, 2024)
    Memorias de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, Vol.7, 125-161, Octubre 2023
  3. Analysis and evaluation of real-valued functions in mathematical morphology
    G.Urcid, R.Morales-S., and M.Mares-J.  THE IJES   doi: 10.9790/1813-12013346
    The International Journal of Engineering and Science, 12(1), 33-46, January 2023
  4. Similarity measures for learning in lattice based biomimetic neural networks
    GX.Ritter, G.Urcid, and LD.Lara-R.  MDPI   doi: 10.3390/math8091439
    Mathematics, 8, 1439:1-18, August 2020
  5. A mapping and sorting hybrid technique for color image palette extraction
    G.Urcid and R. Morales-S.  SEEK Digital Library  Corrected
    International Journal of Advances in Computer Science & Its Applications, 9(1), 30-34, May 2019
  6. Z-Transform inversion of the gamma function
    G.Urcid and G-U.Bautista   EIJST
    European International Journal of Science and Technology, 7(9), 33-43, December 2018
  7. 3D Graphical representation of elementary real variable functions with extended domain
    G.Urcid and G-U.Bautista   EIJST
    European International Journal of Science and Technology, 7(1), 85-96, January 2018
  8. Digital restoration of damaged color documents based on hyperspectral imaging and lattice associative memories
    JC.Valdiviezo-N., G.Urcid, and E.Lechuga  SpringerLink   doi: 10.1007/s11760-016-1042-y
    Signal, Image and Video Processing, 11(5), 937-944, July 2017
  9. Exudates and blood vessel segmentation in eye fundus images using the Fourier and cosine discrete transforms
    LD.Lara-R. and G.Urcid  CyS Open Access   doi: 10.13053/CyS-20-4-2305
    Computación y Sistemas, 20(4), 697-708, December 2016
  10. A super-Gaussian discrete cosine transform filter for the detection of pathologies in retinographies
    LD.Lara-R. and G.Urcid  IJESIT
    International Journal of Engineerng Science and Innovative Technology, 5(3), 1-14, May 2016
  11. Mammograms calcifications segmentation based on band-pass Fourier filtering and adaptive statistical thresholding
    E.López-M. and G.Urcid  EIJST
    European International Journal of Science and Technology, 5(3), 51-63, April 2016
  12. Morfología matemática y procesamiento de imágenes
    G.Urcid-S. y M. Mares-J.  AM_Com49-MSMM
    Aportaciones Matemáticas: Comunicaciones, Vol.49, 41-77, Septiembre 2015
  13. A simple statistics neareast neighbor cluster detection algorithm
    GX.Ritter, JA.Nieves-V., and G.Urcid  Elsevier ScienceDirect   doi: 10.1016/j.patcog.2014.10.009
    Pattern Recognition, 48(3), 918-932, March 2015
  14. Lattice algebra approach to multispectral analysis of ancient documents
    JC.Valdiviezo-N. and G.Urcid  OSA Optics Infobase   doi: 10.1364/AO.52.000674
    Applied Optics, 52(4), 674-682, February 2013
  15. Lattice algebra approach to color image segmentation
    G.Urcid, JC.Valdiviezo-N., and GX.Ritter  SpringerLink   doi: 10.1007/s10851-011-0302-2
    Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 42(2-3), 150-162, June 2011
  16. A lattice matrix method for hyperspectral image unmixing
    GX.Ritter and G.Urcid  Elsevier ScienceDirect   doi: 10.1016/j.ins.2010.03.022
    Information Sciences, 181(10), 1787-1803, May 2010
  17. Autonomous single-pass endmember approximation using lattice auto-associative memories
    GX.Ritter, G.Urcid, and MS.Schmalz  Elsevier ScienceDirect   doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2008.06.025
    Neurocomputing, 72(10-12), 2101-2110, June 2009
  18. Comparative analysis of pattern reconstruction using orthogonal moments
    A.Padilla-V., G.Urcid, F.Granados-A., and A.Cornejo-R  SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/1.2432878
    Optical Engineering, 46(1), 017002:1-15, January 2007
  19. Far-field diffraction patterns of circular sectors and related apertures
    G.Urcid and A.Padilla-V  OSA Optics Infobase   doi: 10.1364/AO.44.007677
    Applied Optics, 44(36), 7677-7696, December 2005
  20. Segmentación de imágenes de color
    J.Báez-R., MaL.Guerrero, J.Conde-A., A.Padilla-V., and G.Urcid-S.  Rev.Mex.Fís.
    Revista Mexicana de Física, 50(6), 579-587, Diciembre 2004
  21. Reconstruction of patterns from noisy inputs using morphological associative memories
    GX.Ritter, G.Urcid, and L.Iancu  SpringerLink   doi: 10.1023/A:1024773330134
    Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 19(2), 95-111, September 2003
  22. Lattice algebra approach to single neuron computation
    GX.Ritter and G.Urcid  IEEE Xplore Digital Library   doi: 10.1109/TNN.2003.809427
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 14(2), 282-295, March 2003
  23. Two dimensional analysis of the joint Fourier spectrum under rotation of an input object
    A.Padilla-V., G.Urcid-S., J.Báez-R., and A.Cornejo-R  SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/1.1518676
    Optical Engineering, 41(12), 3241-3249, December 2002
  24. Digital synthesis of binary diffractive masks using mathematical morphology
    G.Urcid-S., J.Báez-R., and A.Cornejo-R.   SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/1.1404116
    Optical Engineering, 40(10), 2084-2091, October 2001
  25. Remarcación y segmentación de imágenes multiespectrales
    J.Conde-A., J.Báez-R., and G.Urcid-S.   Rev.Mex.Fís.
    Revista Mexicana de Física, 47(5), 435-439, Octubre 2001
  26. Método de alineación de imágenes mediante un sistema correlador de transformada conjunta
    A.Padilla-V., G.Urcid-S., and J.Báez-R.   Rev.Mex.Fís.
    Revista Mexicana de Física, 46(2), 126-134, Abril 2000

 Memorias en Extenso de Congresos
  1. Redundancy in lattice algebra-based associative neural networks for image retrieval from noisy inputs
    G. Urcid, J.A. Nieves-V., and R. Morales-S., Vol.12226, 1222614:1-7, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.2633686
    Applications of Digital Imaging Processing XLV, San Diego, CA, USA, August 2022
  2. Multivariate data retrieval modified by random noise using lattice autoassociative memories with eroded or dilated input residuals
    G.Urcid and R. Morales-S.,04007::1-9 EDP Sciences   doi: 10.1051/matecconf/201929204007
    23rd International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers, Athens, Greece, July 2019
  3. A mapping and sorting hybrid technique for color image palette extraction
    G.Urcid and R. Morales-S.,50-54 SEEK Digital Library   doi: 10.15224/ 978-1-63248-162-7-25
    7th International Conference on Advances on Computing, Communication and Information Technology, Rome, Italy, October 2018
  4. Extreme points of convex polytopes derived from lattice autoassociative memories
    GX.Ritter and G.Urcid, LNCS, Vol.10880, 116-125, SpringerLink   doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-12568_8_89
    10th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, Puebla, Mexico, June 2018
  5. Multivariate data mapping based on dendritic lattice associative memories
    G.Urcid, R.Morales-S., and GX.Ritter, 1-6, IEEE Xplore Digital Library   doi: 10.1109/LA-CCI.2017.8285687
    4th IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence, Arequipa, Peru, November 2017
  6. Blood vessels and exudates segmentation in eye fundus images based on Fourier filtering
    L.D. Lara-R., E. López-M., and G. Urcid, IAENG Press
    Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of WCECS, Vol. I, 503-507
    Signal Processing and Imaging Engineering 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA, October 2015
  7. Optical analysis of the gecko eye with an elliptical to circular pupil transformation
    F.J. Renero-C., G. Urcid-S., L.D. Lara-R., and E. López-M.
    Proceedings of the Mexican Optics and Photonics Meeting, 27-34, September, 2015.
  8. Fourier based detection of microcalcifications in mammograms
    E. López-M., L.D. Lara-R., and G. Urcid, Vol.9599, 95992N:1-10, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.2188703
    Applications of Digital Imaging Processing XXXVIII, San Diego, CA, USA, August 2015
  9. A dendritic lattice neural network for color image segmentation
    G. Urcid, L.D. Lara-R., and E. López-M., Vol.9599, 95992O:1-10, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.2188795
    Applications of Digital Imaging Processing XXXVIII, San Diego, CA, USA, August 2015
  10. Lattice based dendritic computing: A biomimetic approach to ANNs
    GX.Ritter and G.Urcid, LNCS, Vol.8827, 730-744, SpringerLink   doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-12568_8_89
    Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision and Applications
    19th Iberoamerican Congress, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, November 2014
  11. Multispectral image restoration of historical documents based on LAAMs and mathematical morphology
    E.Lechuga-S., JC.Valdiviezo-N., and G.Urcid, Vol.9216, 921604:1-10, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.2061479
    Optics and Photonics for Information Processing VIII, San Diego, CA, USA, August 2014
  12. Two lattice metrics dendritic computing for pattern recognition
    GX.Ritter, G.Urcid, and JC.Valdiviezo-N., 45-52, IEEE Xplore Digital Library   doi: 10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2014.6891551
    2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Beijing, China, July 2014
  13. Light source obliquity effect removal in 3D object reconstruction based on texture reflectivity
    LD.Lara-R., E.López-M., G.Urcid, E.López-O., and E.Tepichín-R.
    Memorias de la AMO-DIVO, PI-1-RAO-2013:1-13, Memorias del CIO
    Reunión Anual de Óptica XXVI: Procesamiento de Imágenes, Hermosillo, Sonora, MX, Octubre 2013
  14. An autonomous endmember detection technique based on
    lattice associative memories and statistical clustering

    GX.Ritter, G.Urcid, and JA.Nieves-V., 1-4, IEEE Xplore Digital Library   doi: 10.1109/WHISPERS.2013.8080741
    5th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing
    Gainesville, FL, USA, June 2013
  15. An efficient algorithm for food quality control based on multispectral signatures
    JC Valdiviezo-N., G.Urcid, C.Toxqui-Q., A.Padilla-V., and C. Santiago, Vol.8661, 86610X-1:9, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.2008567
    Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications VI, San Diego, CA, USA, March 2013
  16. Dendritic lattice associative memories for pattern classification
    G.Urcid, GX.Ritter, and JC.Valdiviezo-N., 181-187, IEEE Xplore Digital Library   doi: 10.1109/NaBIC.2012.6402259
    4th World Congr. on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing 2012, Mexico DF, Mexico, November 2012
  17. C-means clustering of lattice auto-associative memories for endmember approximation
    G.Urcid and GX. Ritter, 2140-2149, IOS Press Link   doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-105-2-2140
    Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, San Sebastian, Spain, September 2012
  18. A comparison of autonomous techniques for multispectral image analysis and classification
    JC Valdiviezo-N., G.Urcid, C.Toxqui-Q., and A.Padilla-V., Vol.8499, 849920-1:10, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.930289
    Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXV, San Diego, CA, USA, August 2012
  19. A novel lattice associative memory based on dendritic computing
    GX. Ritter, D.Chyzhyk, G.Urcid, and M.Graña, LNCS, Vol.7209(Part II), 491-502, SpringerLink   doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-28931-6_47
    7th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Salamanca, Spain, March 2012
  20. Grayscale image recall from imperfect inputs with a two layer dendritic lattice associative memory
    G.Urcid, GX.Ritter, and JC.Valdiviezo-N., 268-273, IEEE Xplore Digital Library   doi: 10.1109/NaBIC.2011.6089606
    3rd World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing 2011, Salamanca, Spain, October 2011
  21. Lattice masking and auto-association for recalling color images in the presence of noise
    G.Urcid and JA.Nieves-V., 274-279, IEEE Xplore Digital Library   doi: 10.1109/NaBIC.2011.6089607
    3rd World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing 2011, Salamanca, Spain, October 2011
  22. Relative entropy of grayscale images degraded by bit-plane quantization and random noise
    G.Urcid, Vol.8011, 80116W-1:10, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.901929
    22nd General Congress of the International Commission for Optics, Puebla, Pue., Mexico, August 2011
  23. Unsupervised color image segmentation using a lattice algebra clustering technique
    G.Urcid and GX.Ritter, Vol.8011, 80117D-1:10, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.902214
    22nd General Congress of the International Commission for Optics, Puebla, Pue., Mexico, August 2011
  24. Perfect recall from noisy input patterns with a dendritic lattice associative memory
    GX.Ritter and G.Urcid, 503-510, IEEE Xplore Digital Library   doi: 10.1109/IJCNN.2011.6033263
    International Joint Conference in Neural Networks 2011, San Jose, CA, USA, August 2011
  25. Lattice autoassociative memories for segmenting color images in different color spaces
    G.Urcid, JC.Valdiviezo-N., and GX.Ritter, LNAI, Vol.6077(Part II), 359-366, SpringerLink   doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-13803-4_45
    5th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, San Sebastian, Spain, June 2010
  26. Lattice neural networks with spike trains
    GX.Ritter and G.Urcid, LNAI, Vol.6077(Part II), 367-374, SpringerLink   doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-13803-4_46
    5th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, San Sebastian, Spain, June 2010
  27. Multispectral image segmentation of ancient documents with lattice memories
    JC.Valdiviezo-N. and G.Urcid-S, OSA Technical Digest, DMD6:1-3, OSA OpticsInfoBase
    Digital Image Processing and Analysis, OSA Optics & Photonics Congresses, Tucson, AR, USA, June 2010
  28. Color image segmentation based on lattice auto-associative memories
    G.Urcid and JC.Valdiviezo-N., IASTED Proceedings, 166-173, ACTA Press link
    13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, September 2009
  29. Endmember search techniques based on lattice auto-associative memories: a case on vegetation discrimination
    G.Urcid, JC.Valdiviezo-N., and GX.Ritter, Vol.7477, 74771D:1-12, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.834213
    Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XV, Berlin, Germany, September 2009
  30. Robust image retrieval from noisy inputs using lattice associative memories
    G.Urcid, JA.Nieves-V., A.García-A., and JC.Valdiviezo-N., Vol.7245, 724517:1-12, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.806886
    Image Processing-Algorithms and Systems VII, San Jose, CA, USA, January 2009
  31. Redundant encoding of patterns in lattice associative memories
    G.Urcid, GX Ritter, and JA.Nieves-V.,
    LBM Proceedings, Palacký University, 45-57,
    CLA/LBM 2008 link   ISBN: 978–80–244–2112–4
    Lattice Based Modeling Workshop, Olomouc, Czech Republic, October 2008
  32. Segmentation of hyperspectral imagery using strongly lattice independent sets
    JC.Valdiviezo-N., G.Urcid-S., and A.García-A., Memorias de la AMO, 15:1-13
    LI Congr.Nac. de Física y XXI Reunión Anual de la AMO, Zacatecas, Zac., October 2008
  33. Optical surface quality determination using the Ronchi test and morphological skeletonization
    A.García-A., J.Castro-R., G.Urcid-S., S.Vázquez & M., and JC.Valdiviezo-N.,
    Memorias de la AMO, 14:1-7
    LI Congr.Nac. de Física y XXI Reunión Anual de la AMO, Zacatecas, Zac., Octubre 2008
  34. Generation of lattice independent vector sets for pattern recognition applications
    G.Urcid-S. and JC.Valdiviezo-N., Vol.6700, 67000C:1-12, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.731925
    Mathematics of Data/Image Pattern Recognition, Compression, Coding and Encryption X with Applications, San Diego, CA, USA, August 2007
  35. Hyperspectral endmember detection based on strong lattice independence
    JC.Valdiviezo-N. and G.Urcid-S, Vol.6696, 669625:1-12, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.735262
    Apps. of Digital Image Processing XXX, San Diego, CA, USA, August 2007
  36. Efficient autonomous endmember determination using lattice auto-associative memories
    GX.Ritter, MS.Schmalz, and G.Urcid, WSP Proceedings, 1632-1638, World Scientific   doi: 10.1142/9789812709677_0233
    10th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Salt Lake City, UTAH, USA, July 2007
  37. Enhanced fuzzy auto-associative morphological memory for binary pattern recall
    G.Urcid-S., JA.Nieves-V., and CA.Reyes-G., IASTED Proceedings, 116-121, ACTA Press
    IV International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2007
  38. H-L-S images of complex special functions
    G.Urcid-S., F.Granados-A., and JA.Nieves-V., Memorias de la AMO, PI04:1-9
    XLIX Congr.Nac. de Física y XIX Reunión Anual de la AMO, San Luis Potosí, SLP., Octubre 2006
  39. Noise masking for pattern recall using a single lattice matrix auto-associative memory
    G.Urcid and GX.Ritter, 783-790, IEEE Xplore Digital Library   doi: 10.1109/FUZZY.2006.1681713
    IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2006
  40. Recent developments in lattice neural networks
    GX.Ritter and G.Urcid-S., Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
    Research on Computing Science, Memorias CIC-IPN, 14, 1-12
    XIV Conf.Inter. en Computación, México DF., México, Septiembre 2005 (ISSN: 1665-9899)
  41. Transformations of neural inputs in lattice dendrite computation
    G.Urcid, Vol.5916, 59160K:1-12, 201-212, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.615241
    Mathematical Methods in Pattern and Image Analysis, San Diego, CA, USA, August 2005
  42. Lattice associative memories that are robust in the presence of noise
    GX.Ritter, G.Urcid, and MS.Schmalz, Vol.5916, 59160Q:1-6, 255-260, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.622589
    Mathematical Methods in Pattern and Image Analysis, San Diego, CA, USA, August 2005
  43. A graph theoretical approach to structured programming based on the cyclomatic number
    G.Urcid-S. and Ma-del-R.Morales-S., IIIS Proceedings, Vol.IV, 368-373
    9th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, Orlando, FL, USA, July 2005
  44. Single layer morphological perceptron solution to the N-bit parity problem
    G.Urcid, GX.Ritter, and L.Iancu, LNCS, Vol.3287, 171-178, SpringerLink   doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-30463-0_21
    9th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, Tonantzintla, Pue., Mexico, Octubre 2004
  45. Correlation-based signature of planar binary objects
    G.Urcid-S., A.Padilla-V., A.Cornejo-R., and J.Báez-R., Vol.5558-I, 100-112, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.558744
    Applications of Digital Image Processing XXVII, Denver, CO, USA, August 2004
  46. Multifocus image fusion using the Haar wavelet transform
    C.Toxqui-Q., A.Padilla-V., and G.Urcid-S., Vol.5558-II, 222-226, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.560032
    Apps. of Digital Image Processing XXVII, Denver, CO, USA, August 2004
  47. Neurons, dendrites, and pattern classification
    GX.Ritter, L.Iancu, and G.Urcid, LNCS, Vol.2905, 1-16, SpringerLink   doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-24586-5_1
    8th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, Havana, Cuba, Noviembre 2003
  48. Kernel computation in bidirectional morphological associative memories
    G.Urcid, GX.Ritter, and L.Iancu, LNCS, Vol.2905, 563-570, SpringerLink   doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-24586-5_69
    8th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, Havana, Cuba, Noviembre 2003
  49. Optical-digital incoherent system for image reconstruction using Zernike moments
    A.Padilla-V., F.Granados-A., G.Urcid-S., and J.Báez-R., Vol.5237, 290-295, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.514382
    Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems VI, Barcelona, Spain, September 2003
  50. Kernel computation in morphological associative memories for grayscale image recollection
    G.Urcid and GX.Ritter, IASTED Proceedings, 450-455,
    ACTA Press
    5th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, Honolulu, HW, USA, August 2003
  51. Medidas del desempeño computacional en sistemas óptico-digitales
    G.Urcid-S., A.Cornejo-R., and J.Báez-R, Memorias del IIIS, Vol.II, 213-218
    2da Conf. Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, Orlando, FL, USA, Julio 2003
  52. Morphological perceptrons with dendritic structure
    GX.Ritter, L.Iancu, and G.Urcid, 1296-1301, IEEE Xplore Digital Library   doi: 10.1109/FUZZ.2003.1206618
    IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Saint Louis, MI, USA, May 2003
  53. Minimal representations and morphological associative memories for pattern recall
    GX.Ritter and G.Urcid-S.
    Reconocimiento de Patrones: Avances y Perspectivas, Research on Computing Science, 27-38
    VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones, CIC-IPN, México DF., Noviembre 2002
  54. Computing with morphological neurons and morphological perceptrons
    GX.Ritter and G.Urcid-S.
    Avances en Ciencias de la Computación e Ingeniería de Sistemas, Vol.I, 51-63
    IX Conferencia Internacional en Computación, CIC-IPN, México DF., Noviembre 2002
  55. Minimax dendrite computation
    GX.Ritter, G.Urcid, and R.Selfridge
    Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks, ASME Press, 12, 75-80
    Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering, Saint Louis, MI, USA, November 2002
    ISBN: 978-079180191
  56. Analysis of the joint Fourier spectrum for dual input single channel rotation
    G.Urcid-S., A.Padilla-V., A.Cornejo-R., and J.Báez-R., Vol.4419, 620-623, SPIE Digital Library   doi: 10.1117/12.437097
    4th Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics, Tandil, Argentina, September 2001
  57. Determinación de la función de transferencia de modulación óptica
    G.Urcid-S., J.Báez-R., A.Cornejo-R., and J.Conde-A., Memorias de la SOMI, No.13op
    XV Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Instrumentación, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Octubre 2000
  58. Procesamiento óptico-digital de patrones de difracción de Fraunhofer
    G.Urcid-S., J.Báez-R., and A.Cornejo-R., Memorias de la SOMI, 477-481
    XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Instrumentación, Tonantzintla, Puebla, Octubre 1999

 Capítulos en Libros Especializados
  1. Dendritic Lattice Associative Memories: Foundations and Applications
    G.Urcid and GX.Ritter, Ch.1 in M.E. Valle (Ed.)
    Associative Memories-Theory and Applications, Vol.8, 1-32, Aux Mirror   doi: 10.15579/gcsr.vol8.ch1
    Science Gate Publishing P.C., Xanthi, Greece, September 2021 (but still forthcoming publication!)
  2. Pathologies Segmentation in Eye Fundus Images Based on Frequency Domain Filters
    G.Urcid, LD.Lara-R., and E.López-M., Ch.10 in A. Sio-H, K. Haeng-K, A. Mahyar-A (Eds.)
    Transactions on Engineering Technologies, 137-151, Springerlink   doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-2717-8_10
    ISBN: 978-981-10-2717-8, Springer Nature Singapore, China, February 2017
  3. Convex Set Approaches for Material Quantification in Hyperspectral Imagery
    JC.Valdiviezo-N. and G.Urcid, Ch.7 in R.B. Rustamov & S.E. Salahova (Eds.)
    Earth Observation, 153-174, InTech Publishing   doi: 10.5772/29639
    ISBN: 978-953-307-973-8, InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, January 2012
  4. Lattice Algebra Approach to Endmember Determination in Hyperspectral Imagery
    GX.Ritter and G.Urcid, Ch.4 in P.W. Hawkes (Ed.)
    Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol.160, 113-169, Elsevier ScienceDirect   doi: 10.1016/S1076-5670(10)60004-3
    ISBN: 978-0-12-381017-5, Academic Press, Burlington, MA, USA, February 2010
  5. Noise Masking for Pattern Recall using a Single Lattice Matrix Associative Memory
    G.Urcid and GX.Ritter, Ch.5 in V.G.Kaburlasos & GX.Ritter (Eds.)
    Computational Intelligence based on Lattice Theory, Vol.67, 79-98, SpringerLink   doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-72687-6_5
    ISBN: 978-3-540-72686-9, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2007
  6. Learning in Lattice Neural Networks that Employ Dendritic Computing
    GX.Ritter and G.Urcid, Ch.2 in V.G.Kaburlasos & GX.Ritter (Eds.)
    Computational Intelligence based on Lattice Theory, Vol.67, 23-42, SpringerLink   doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-72687-6_2
    ISBN: 978-3-540-72686-9, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2007

 Reportes Técnicos
  1. Geometría Plana Elemental: Material Auxiliar para la Enseñanza
    G.Urcid-S., Diciembre 2018,
    Archivo PDF
  2. Óptica Geométrica: Resumen de Conceptos y Fórmulas, Parte I, 2da ed
    A.Cornejo-R. y G.Urcid-S., Octubre 2005, Archivo PDF   Biblioteca INAOE

 Tesis Dirigidas

  1. Segmentación y Clasificación de Patologías en Imágenes Médicas usando Transformadas Discretas
    Luis David Lara Rodríguez, Junio 2016,
    Biblioteca INAOE-16901
  2. Análisis Digital de Microcalcificaciones en Mastografías Utilizando el Estándar Médico BIRADS
    Elizabeth López Meléndez, Mayo 2016, Biblioteca INAOE-16900
  3. Análisis Espectral de Imágenes Multicanal usando Transformaciones Reticulares Matriciales
    Juan Carlos Valdiviezo Navarro, Enero 2012, Biblioteca INAOE-11750
  4. Memorias Asociativas Reticulares Minimax para Recuperación de Imágenes con Ruido
    José Angel Nieves Vázquez, Junio 2009, Biblioteca INAOE-12704

  1. Morfología Matemática en Variedades Riemmanianas: Aplicaciones al Procesamiento Digital de Imágenes
    Marisol Mares Javier, Marzo 2017, Repositorio Institucional BUAP (FCFM)
  2. Memorias Asociativas Reticulares con Capacidad Dendrítica para Restauración de Imágenes Digitales
    Daniel López Cortés, Noviembre 2007, Biblioteca INAOE-10083
  3. Adelgazamiento y Detección de Bordes de Objetos en Imágenes Digitales usando Conjuntos Difusos
    Anmi García Arellano, Octubre 2007, Biblioteca INAOE-10219
  4. Segmentación de Imágenes Hiperespectrales usando Memorias Asociativas Morfológicas
    Juan Carlos Valdiviezo Navarro, Septiembre 2007, Biblioteca INAOE-4158
  5. Efectos del Submuestreo Espacial en Medidas y Transformaciones de Imágenes
    Daniel Enrique Ceballos Herrera, Noviembre 2005, Biblioteca INAOE-15907
  6. Reconocimiento de Patrones e Imágenes Digitales usando Memorias Asociativas Morfológicas
    José Angel Nieves Vázquez, Noviembre 2005, Biblioteca INAOE-15905

  1. Morfología Matemática: Un Enfoque al Procesamiento Digital de Imágenes
    Marisol Mares Javier, Diciembre 2014, Tesis de Matemáticas Aplicadas, Catálogo de Tesis FCFM-BUAP